Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Reading Material

The sun is out. And I have a window open because the temp is actually in the 40’s I haven’t felt that all winter, except for the brief trip I took back home to Arkansas. I like the sun. I have missed it. The ground is still covered with several feet of snow with more on the way this week, and the snow piles in parking lots are starting to look like Mt. Everest. But I will take the sun for now.

Now on to more important issues, why do men have to have reading material when they do their business in the bathroom? Obviously I haven’t done a complete scientific study on this, but the men that are in my life all poop with a book; even my son who is just started potty training. The first time he sat on the pot he signed the word book. It’s like it is in their DNA. 

Liam reading on his big-boy potty

Do they use that time as their quiet time? Is it their moment to get away from everything? Is it a stress reliever? Because as a mom I don’t get peace and quiet in the bathroom.  I get this cute little blue eyed; blonde headed boy yelling gibberish at me. Deep down I know I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Obviously not our bathroom but I thought it was funny

I don’t get why men do it, but I might as well take it to my advantage. So I started to put reading material on top of the toilet that I think he should be reading, Such as a jewelry magazine, and article on how to be a good husband, the bible turned to Eph 5:25 – Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and he gave himself. They may not want to get in and get out like us women do but at least I can get some gain out of it!!

I don't know who this little guy but he feels the same way I do

Enjoy your sun, if you have it!! I am enjoying ours.

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