Friday, January 31, 2014

Who's training Who??

Liam is potty training……
Yes I know a lot of people who are probably rolling their eyes at me because he is only 15 months old. But seriously he decided to potty train all on his own!! For real!! He hates to have a soiled diaper and he loves to say bye bye to the poo poo. We also put Liam in cloth diapers so I think that is part of the reason why he is training so early. He has done very well. We are 6 days into it and we only have about 1 accident a day a now.

You know you're potty training your child when….
- Your life is being dictated by a timer
- You have resulted to bribery ….. I mean positive reinforcement 
- You have done the potty dance more than 10 times in one day
- Your kid has gotten more high fives in 4 days than his whole life
- You are constantly smelling for hidden poop 
- You are more excited with a little bit of liquid in a little tub than you would be to win the lottery
- Every time your child pauses you cautiously ask "what are you doing?" 
- When your child comes in and congratulates you when you go potty (added by a friend of mine) 

I have learned that potty training really consists of patience and consistency. I always thought once you start potty training it will be way easier than using diapers. But really it is more difficult. When he was in diapers I would let him go a few pees in a diaper before I decided to change it (because I am such a good mom!! ha ha) . And now Liam is constantly pulling on me to help him go potty and that timer seems like it is ALWAYS going off! Potty training is way more work than diapers. But I am so happy to see my little baby turning into a little boy. Its bitter-sweet.

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