Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Waiting Game

This week has been a whirl wind. It started of scary and ended.... well I'll let the suspense rise and you can find out at the end of this post!!! :)

It all started when my little monkey was under the weather. He has had this cough for three weeks so I decided to stay home from work and keep him in his room with the humidifier on all day long.

I called the doctor just to ask if I could use vicks to help clear him up!!! Thats all I called for!!! Well he said he wanted little monkey to come in and make sure his cough was not turning into something more serious. So we came in and WAITED in the waiting room. We were waisting precious humidifier time. Finally that brought us back to the room. Doctor came in and said his cough sounded good (if coughs can sound good...) and said he wanted to go ahead and do his 6 month check up. Then he checked his weight.... dun dun duuuunnnn. That's when we found out he has gained hardly any weight in 3 months. So he sent us to do blood work. 
We went to the hospital and WAITED. They finally called us back to put a needle in my poor baby's arms. And then I WAITED as my baby screamed for them to get enough blood. They sent us home saying that our doctor would call us with the results. I told my husband what was going on and we WAITED for what seemed like forever. I waited 5 miles away and we waited 500 miles away (I don't really know if that is how far away he is, it just sounded good to say)
A few hours later the phone rang. The results were abnormal. He threw out words like leukemia, cystic fibrosis, kidney failure.... I was heart broken. He referred us to Arkansas Children's Hospital. 
My dad came to drive us because it is almost 4 hours away. We packed little monkey up and got in the car and WAITED to get there. We got there and the wonderful (great hospital by the way) doctors looked at his previous blood results and confirmed something was not right. They wanted to run the tests again. So after more blood work, X-rays, and scans we WAITED for the results. I firmly believe that it is God's will to heal every time but I found my self with one foot standing in faith that my son will be healed and the other foot in the unknown. I was shaken up by all of this but then mad at myself for being worried because I KNOW what the Word says about healing. 
So all I could do was WAIT. The results came back. The doctors stood there with both results in his hand, the one little monkey had before and the new results from the new tests. Their faces were in disbelief. They said the new tests show everything was normal, but they wanted to run the tests again because the new results were so contrary from the old ones. So they ran it again and we WAITED, this time with both feet standing on faith. The tests came back normal. They still wanted us to stay the night and do a cystic fibrosis test in the morning. So we WAITED in the peace of the Lord till morning to take this test

The test came out normal. I have never loved hearing that word "normal" so much in my life. So they sent us home with a strict eating schedule and a weight gain goal for the end of the month. My little monkey just got his first testimony. God had healed him. We give him the glory.
The next day was my little Monkey turned 6 months old and I can humbly, and thankfully say that he is healthy. And I stand in awe of God's grace once again. You know just last week we celebrated the fact that Jesus died and rose again and I thought about one of the reason why Jesus did that is so that thousands of years later my little Monkey could have his first testimony of an amazing healing, that revelation brought me to my knees.

6 months old and healthy

And now we WAIT some more. This time to see what other amazing things God is going to do in our lives. 

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